Will Excel go away?

I was recently asked whether Excel was going away. Now, I’m not a Microsoft mind reader but… here’s why I think Excel is here for a long while. Excel is too easy to use for it to go away. Most people can create a spreadsheet that reflects their business needs. That’s...

Franklin Knows Best

For the want of an audited formula the report was inaccurate,For the want of an accurate report money was lost,For the want of money the company was lost,For the want of a company the jobs were lost,For the want of jobs the economy was lost,And all for the want of an...

Adding integrity to an Excel based quote process

We have a client who needed to track sales quotes, who did them, how much, the status, etc. They were using Excel and emailing the files to each other. They liked the layout they were using, it was just too hard to keep track of all the quotes. Because everyone...